BETA-R-A : Shareholder changes

The guests can see only the first 5 shareholders
The registered users can view all 10 shareholders.
< 05/20/2024 T: 05/16/24
# Shareholder Shares %
1. JUHN BOJAĐIJEV KSENIJA 598,154 31.57%
2. BETA ALIUS D.O.O. 572,431 30.22%
3. BALBUS LUXIMA D.O.O. 350,844 18.52%
4. KALČIĆ MLADEN 9,000 0.48%
5. VUKADIN ZVONIMIR 8,081 0.43%
TOTAL 1,564,031 82.56%
05/24/2024 T: 05/22/24
# Shareholder Shares %
1. JUHN BOJAĐIJEV KSENIJA 598,154 31.57%
2. BETA ALIUS D.O.O. 572,431 30.22%
3. BALBUS LUXIMA D.O.O. 350,844 18.52%
4. KALČIĆ MLADEN 9,000 0.48%
5. VUKADIN ZVONIMIR 8,081 0.43%
TOTAL 1,564,031 82.56%
Out of top 10:
05/27/2024 > T: 05/23/24
# Shareholder Shares %
1. JUHN BOJAĐIJEV KSENIJA 598,154 31.57%
2. BETA ALIUS D.O.O. 572,431 30.22%
3. BALBUS LUXIMA D.O.O. 350,844 18.52%
4. KALČIĆ MLADEN 9,000 0.48%
5. VUKADIN ZVONIMIR 8,081 0.43%
TOTAL 1,564,292 82.57%

Last date of shareholders' state: 05/29/2024 (no changes).

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The data is refreshed daily for the most liquid stocks. Note that a transaction made on date T will be not be visible before date T+2 (2nd working day after the transaction date)
Data source: Central Depository and Clearing Company Inc. Shareholder data is believed to be correct and reliable at the time od inclusion, however, the Central Depository and Clearing Company does not guarantee their accuracy, truthfulness or reliability. SPONSOR: - crypto prices from trusted exchanges
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